Currently we provide between five and ten performance-based loans per year for the Bachelor´s and Master´s program at the MODUL University Vienna*, the Sigmund Freud Privatuniverität Wien and the Diploma Course in Hospitality and Tourism Management or the International Course in Hotel Management (ICHM)* at the Tourism College in Vienna.
*Language of instruction is English, English proficiency exam is a prerequisite

Applications are accepted any time once you are admitted or enrolled at the university or college.

Prerequisites for your application

  • Admitted or enrolled at the MODUL University Vienna, at the Sigmund Freud Privatuniversität Wien or (two-year programs) at the Tourism College in Vienna
  • Demonstrated financial need
  • Residence in Vienna for a minimum of two years
  • No equivalent study or education
  • Good academic performance history
  • Not older than 30 years

Please complete the application form and send it along with the required documents to:

Application form

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Acrobat Reader

Unfortunately we cannot accept any applications at the moment!